Hero Hound Rescue, formally known as Hound Education and Rescue Operations, is a small foster-based 501c3 beagle and hound breeds rescue dedicated to saving hound lives through quality vet care, education, training and lots of love.

In less than a year of fostering, Michelle & Derek Bowen had fostered close to 100 beagles & small hounds for other dog rescues. While fostering was amazing, there were still many beagles & hounds sitting in shelters waiting for a rescue to save their lives.

In July 2020, we opened Hero Hounds in Spring Hill, TN with a mission of stepping up for those beagles & hounds that we less likely to get rescue due to age, medical issues and temperament.

In addition to saving the underdogs, we continue to work with beagle rescues across the US to save beagles in rural shelters. Thanks to our partner rescues, their advice and continued commitment to saving lives, HERO Hound has saved over 400 dogs since 2020.

Adopt from HERO

We believe in matching all of our pups with the right furever family for their needs.

Support HERO

Hero Hound Rescue could not save hound lives without the help of our amazing donors, fosters and volunteers.

Hound Education

Dedicated to hound education means educating the public on the plight of many hunting hounds in the Southern US & offering training advice to help owners keep your hounds healthy, happy and living long lives.